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Home Body Building Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout Review.

Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout Review.

by HSM
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Cannibal Ferox is a pre-workout supplement that aims to bring that much-needed boost to your exercise routine. People who want a caffeine boost during their workouts can rely on this pre-workout, which includes 450 mg.

Brought to you by Chaos and Pain, a company dedicated to producing potent sports nutrition products, they pride themselves on this supplement’s purported ability to increase energy, strength, and focus during workouts.

Ingredients of Cannibal Ferox Pre workout

L-Citrulline Malate 2:1 (6000 mg): Citrulline Malate is known for boosting endurance and minimizing athlete fatigue. At 6000 mg, this serving size is adequate for most athletes, providing a high level of Nitric Oxide production and promoting increased blood flow and muscle pump.

Beta Alanine (3200 mg): Known to help delay muscle fatigue during high-intensity exercise. The given quantity falls within the recommended daily intake (2-5g) and thus is likely to contribute to enhanced performance.

Betaine Anhydrous (2500 mg): Betaine can potentially boost power and strength in workouts.cannibal ferox pre workout

Arugula (Eruca vesicaria) Extract (as NitroRocket®) (1500 mg): Arugula extract contains nitrates, which can enhance athletic performance.

L-Tyrosine (750 mg): This amino acid is crucial for producing dopamine, which helps manage stress responses.

Caffeine Anhydrous (450 mg): A potent stimulant that can help to increase alertness and energy. It is a high dose and may be too much for those sensitive to caffeine.

Mucuna Pruriens (Std 98% L-dopa) (150 mg): This may enhance brain function, but further research is needed to confirm its effects on athletic performance.

Theophylline Anhydrous (50 mg): A bronchodilator helps to increase airflow to the lungs, potentially improving oxygenation during workouts.

Yohimbine HCI (3 mg) & Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract (2 mg): These components are often used for fat burning, but their effectiveness varies among individuals.

Huperzine A 1% (200 mcg): A cognitive enhancer aids in maintaining focus during workouts.

Benefits of Cannibal Ferox Pre workout.

Enhanced Athletic Performance: L-Citrulline Malate reduces fatigue and improves endurance for high-intensity workouts. Its inclusion at a potent 6000 mg dose should help users push through strenuous sessions, potentially increasing their overall performance.

Improved Strength: Betaine Anhydrous (at 2500 mg) is associated with increased power output during workouts. It can be particularly beneficial for strength-training exercises or weightlifting, where maximal force production is critical.

Increased Blood Flow: The Arugula extract, NitroRocket®, is rich in dietary nitrates. The body can turn these nitrates into Nitric Oxide, a chemical that helps blood vessels widen and improves blood flow to the muscles when you work out. It could enhance nutrient delivery and oxygenation, promoting better performance and recovery.

Boosted Energy Levels: With a total 450 mg dose of Caffeine Anhydrous, users can expect a notable increase in energy levels. It can be instrumental in maintaining high intensity throughout a workout, especially when fatigue might otherwise set in.

Enhanced Focus and Cognitive Function: Including L-Tyrosine (750 mg) and Huperzine A (200 mcg) can help boost cognitive function. L-Tyrosine produces neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which support brain function and relieve stress. Huperzine A is a cognitive enhancer that can help maintain focus during workouts.

Potential Fat Burning: Yohimbine HCI and Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract, although present in relatively small amounts, are often included in fat-burning supplements. They might contribute to increased energy expenditure and fat loss, although individual responses can vary.

Potential Mood Enhancement: Mucuna Pruriens (150 mg), rich in L-dopa, can increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine, a chemical linked to happiness, may boost mood during and after workouts.

Are there any side effects?

High Caffeine Content: Cannibal Ferox contains a very high dose of caffeine (450 mg). Some harmful effects of caffeine are jitters, inability to sleep or stay asleep, nervousness, increased heart rate, stomach pain, nausea, and severe anxiety or panic attacks.

Beta-Alanine Effects: Beta-Alanine increases exercise performance but also causes paresthesia, a tingling sensation in the face, neck, and hands. While not harmful, it can be unsettling or uncomfortable for some users.

Yohimbine Side Effects: Yohimbine may help you lose weight, but it can also raise your heart rate, blood pressure, dizziness, and anxiety.

Potential Interactions

Stimulants like caffeine, Yohimbine HCI, and Alpha Yohimbine in Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout may have potential interactions with certain medications and supplements. 

Users sensitive to caffeine or other stimulants should use this product with caution. Before taking this pre-workout supplement, consult a doctor if you have cardiovascular or blood pressure difficulties.

Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout is intended for adults aged 18 years and older.

Does Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout work?

What do customers say about the supplement?

Cannibal Ferox has generally received positive user reviews, with many reporting increased energy and focus during workouts. Customers mention that while the supplement does not provide a significant pump, it delivers motivation and urgency well.

However, others have noted side effects, primarily related to the high caffeine content. For these users, starting with less than a full scoop is more affordable due to its potent formulation.

There have been some complaints about the flavor; some reportedly vomited after consumption. While taste is a personal preference and may not directly impact performance or health, it might affect compliance with the supplement regimen.


Cannibal Ferox contains a substantial dosage of caffeine, amounting to 450mg per serving. It exceeds the FDA’s 400mg caffeine daily recommendation. Therefore, people sensitive to caffeine or with specific medical conditions may not be able to use this product.


Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout by Chaos & Pain is a high-stim pre-workout supplement designed to provide intense energy, focus, and performance enhancement during workouts. Its powerful blend of ingredients has gained a reputation among fitness enthusiasts as a reliable choice for intense training sessions.

However, it is essential to consider individual tolerance and potential interactions with medications or supplements. Cannibal Ferox, despite the possible side effects, appears to be a potent pre-workout supplement.


What time of day should I take Cannibal Ferox?

It is best taken 20-30 minutes before your workout to allow time for the ingredients to take effect. Due to the high caffeine content, avoid taking it close to bedtime.

Can I take Cannibal Ferox on non-workout days?

While it’s generally intended for use on workout days, some users may benefit from it on non-workout days for a focus or energy boost.

Can I use Cannibal Ferox if I’m sensitive to caffeine?

This product contains a lot of caffeine. Thus, it may not be suitable for stimulant-sensitive people. It’s always best to start with a lower dose to assess tolerance.

How long does the effect of Cannibal Ferox Pre-Workout last?

The effects of Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout may vary depending on factors such as individual tolerance, body weight, and metabolism. Results usually last several hours.

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