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Home Digestive and Endocrine Health PureMax Omne Diem Histamine Digest Review.

PureMax Omne Diem Histamine Digest Review.

by HSM
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Histamine Digest PureMax is a premium health supplement bursting with the power of Diamine Oxidase (DAO), which is central to regulating optimal histamine levels in our bodies and promoting healthy digestive, nervous, and immune system functions.

With 6.4 mg of natural DAO per capsule, delivering a hefty 30,000 HDU, PureMax boasts the highest potency DAO supplement available today.

According to Omne Diem, the manufacturer, the supplement is intended to fill a significant void left by many diets that fail to deliver the same energy and proteins we yearn for.

Ingredients Of Histamine Digest PureMax.

DAO (from DAOgestâ„¢ porcine kidney extract)puremax: DAO, the critical ingredient in PureMax, is a histamine-neutralizing enzyme that helps to regulate optimal histamine levels in our body.

It’s the primary enzyme responsible for the breakdown of dietary histamine.

DAO deficiency can induce migraines, bloating, constipation, stomach pain, and sneezing, among other symptoms.

Microcrystalline cellulose (low moisture): This bulking agent is commonly used in health supplements. Its low moisture content helps keep the supplement dry and stable.

Benefits of PureMax Omne Diem Histamine Digest.

Optimal Histamine Levels: PureMax’s DAO content helps to break down and neutralize histamine levels in the body, thereby regulating the histamine compounds needed for the smooth functioning of the body systems.

Promotes Digestive Health: DAO supports digestive health and comfort by acting directly on dietary histamine in the small intestine. Histamine in the gastrointestinal tract stimulates the parietal cells to produce the gastric acids required for digestion.

Supports Nervous System Function: Histamine plays a crucial role in the central nervous system by regulating various brain functions. Thus, maintaining optimal histamine levels through DAO supplementation could support nervous system function.

Enhances Immune System Function: Histamine contributes to our immune response, primarily when the body identifies foreign invaders. By regulating histamine levels, PureMax could support a robust immune system.

Combat Histamine Intolerance Symptoms: Omne Diem Histamine Digest can provide relief from histamine intolerance symptoms, such as blushing, sneezing, itching, nausea, watery eyes, congestion, and headaches, often triggered by certain foods and beverages, including red wine.

Potential Relief from Migraines and Headaches: Studies indicate that DAO supplements, like this formula, can potentially decrease the length of migraine attacks.

Are There Any Side Effects?

While Omne Diem Histamine Digest is generally safe for consumption, specific potential negative impacts could include the following:

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to any of the ingredients used in this product. Mild skin irritation is one symptom. However, more severe reactions, including breathing problems, are also possible.

Overuse: Excessive product intake beyond the recommended dose could lead to uncomfortable side effects like stomach cramps or diarrhea.

Unclear Labels and Doses: Supplements need to be standardized, and some products might have unclear labeling and dosage instructions, potentially leading to misuse.

Animal Products: The supplement contains DAO from porcine (pig) kidney extract, which may not be suitable for those with dietary restrictions based on religion or personal preferences.

Potential Interactions.

Omne Diem Histamine Digest is primarily composed of DAO, an enzyme that helps to break down dietary histamine. As there is limited data on the potential interaction of DAO with other medications or supplements, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider before starting the supplement regimen.

Customer Reviews.

According to a customer review on Amazon, PureMax has been beneficial in combatting symptoms like blushing, sneezing, itching, nausea, watery eyes, congestion, and headaches often associated with drinking red wine.

The product may work for many customers, especially those with histamine intolerance. However, more than one review is needed to give us a clear idea about its effectiveness.


While generally safe, precautions must be taken. The supplement should be kept closed in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children and should not be used if the seal is damaged. Those considering taking DAO supplements should consult their healthcare provider, particularly if they have other health conditions or are on other medications.


Omne Diem’s Histamine Digest is a promising supplement for individuals with histamine intolerance. It provides a potent dose of the DAO enzyme necessary for breaking down histamines.

Its high-potency DAO supplement is designed to support digestive, nervous, and immune system functions by regulating histamine levels in the body. However, more research is needed to understand how DAO supplements work and their safety.


How should I use Omne Diem Histamine Digest?

The suggested use is to take one capsule 15 minutes before meals.

Can I take PureMax if I am vegetarian?

Yes, the supplement comes in straightforward vegetarian capsules. However, it’s essential to note that the DAO comes from porcine (pig) kidney extract, which may concern some vegetarians.

Are there any artificial colors, sweeteners, or preservatives in PureMax?

The formula does not contain artificial colors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

Can Omne Diem Histamine Digest help with my allergies?

PureMax can help regulate histamine levels in your body, which may alleviate symptoms associated with histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance differs from an allergy, and the two conditions may have different treatment needs.

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